Following the defeat of the pirate queen Arisa, Prince Maxim Maresh has ignored his father's invitation to return home to London in order to prove to himself and the garrison at Verose that he is far more than just another spoilt prince.
When Maxim learns of an annual magical tournament called the Night of Knives, a series of four trials of magic which prove bravery, honor and courage, he is determined to enter and win.
Open to anyone, be they soldier, pirate, citizen, thief or prince, the tournament has never been completed, though many have died trying. Now Maxim must prepare for what might be the most challenging night of his life in a bid to prove his mettle once and for all.
Either way, this night will be the making or the death of the young prince.
Collects Shades of Magic: The Steel Prince – Night of Knives #1-4
V.E. Schwab asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of her work. Copyright © 2018 V.E. Schwab. All Rights Reserved.